New High Jump Instructional Videos + An Essential Approach Tip
Hey Jumpers,
I have a couple things to talk about in today's email. First, some
news and then a quick, yet important tip about the approach I've
seen a couple times this week. First, the news.
Now, the point of this newsletter is NOT to make money. Just want
to make that clear. But some of you who have checked out the
archive may have noticed me talking about a set of instructional
videos I put together in 2008. Despite the rudimentary film and
editing skills I used to make them, I got rave reviews about how
much they helped the jumpers that bought and watched them.
I sell those videos to help recoup some of the time I have to take
out of my normal work life to send emails and reply to emails and
maintain the website. That said, I want to remind everyone that the
usual, FREE emails will always be around even if no one buys a
single video.
So, why do I bring this up? Well, I just finished totally remaking
all of those videos...and then some. Instead of 6 videos each about
5 minutes long, there are now nearly 25 videos totaling about an
hour and a half of instruction. I am pretty psyched about it.
They still aren't amazing in the film or teaching department (I've
gotten better but still have a ways to go), but I feel like I have
explained and illustrated the concepts 10x better.
I finished everything up yesterday and will be testing the online
player over the weekend. On Monday I will shoot you an email once
everything is ready and I set a price but wanted to give you a
heads up today so you're not surprised by that message.
Ok, on to the tip...
It's fairly simple but often mistaken. The question I get is: what
is the point of running such a long straightaway if I can get up to
speed by running just a short curve?
The answer is the tip: you should not be speeding up or slowing down
on your curve. The straightaway has one purpose: acceleration, to
get up to speed. The curve has it's own purpose, to hold that speed
and get in position for takeoff. So, let me reiterate:
The STRAIGHTAWAY is for reaching the speed you want at takeoff.
The CURVE is for holding that speed until takeoff and developing
the lean you need coming into your last step.
If you need more or less speed coming into your takeoff step, the
time to get that speed is from the straightaway, not the curve. If
you try to accelerate on the curve your will come into your takeoff
step with inconsistent speed and leaning forward: both bad things.
Hope that helps.
Thanks again for your support everyone and hope your seasons are
going awesome! Best of luck,
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