The Ultimate High Jump Warm-Up Tip
Hi {!name},
Do you want to know the secret to jumping your absolute highest at
your next meet? Do a good, long warmup. Get those legs working
even to the point that you are starting to sweat. Don't wear them
out, mind you, but get those muscles warm and loose so the second
you step up for your first jump...those legs are ready.
So what is the ultimate warmup tip you ask? Simply this...
Yes, that's right...actually DO a warmup. This does not mean
taking 15 jumps before the meet starts, but rather doing some sort
of motion to get your legs really working and then trying to keep
them warm throughout the meet.
Next time you watch a meet on TV, you probably won't get to see
them warmup (not very exciting for most viewers) but every time
they take a jump, about 75% of them will head to the bench and put
some sweat pants on to keep their legs warm.
Warm legs can increase your jump 2-4" or even more. Next time you
play basketball, try to touch the rim before you start playing and
see how high you get. After 15 minutes of playing, try again.
You'll be shocked at the difference.
So what is the best thing to do for a warmup? I would recommend
something like the following:
1) Light jog to get the legs moving again, around 2 laps
2) A little bit of light stretching
3) A fast, high-tempo warmup like short sprints or light
plyometrics, 3-5 minutes
4) A little more stretching
5) More high tempo movements, 3-5 minutes
Remember, don't wear yourself out, you just want to get those
muscles warmed up and raring to go. With warm legs, you'll be
shocked at the difference from when you didn't warm up.
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